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SBC book club

SBC book club

Here are just some of the books that the Junior, Middle & Senior Book Clubs have read over the years...

Book Club

It's never too late to join!

Don't know what to read?

A book club is a great way to read new books that you would not normally pick up. Perhaps you will discover a new genre that you haven't considered before. You don't have to be an expert reader to join the Book Club. It is all about fun and reading some great books that you will want to tell everybody about.

Talk to any of the library staff for more details. Spread the word!

How can I join the SBC Book Club?

Email Ms. Gale ( ) or Ms. Dervan ( .au)

When are the meetings held?

A meeting is held once every fortnight on a Wednesday alternating between Junior and Senior Book Clubs. Middle book club operates from the Year 9 campus at Resurrection House. You can bring your lunch and enjoy discussing books and doing activities. The dates for the meetings will be published on MYSBC and on this library Book Club Page.

Photo booth